Earth & Womb - Centered Healing Traditions
& Nature Inspired Weavings for Hearth & Home

I have been working with fiber, herbal medicine and womb massage for over 20 years. The threads of life connect everything around us in many beautiful ways. Nature, fiber and honeybees have been my deepest teachers & healers. Honoring the healing wisdom of the earth and the sacred web of life. Through blending a variety of healing arts along with my experience as an RN,  I weave a healing tapestry to nurture your health and well being. 

Welcome! I’m Nicholene (Nikki) a fiber artist, clinical herbalist, RN, flower essence practitioner, Maya abdominal massage therapist, beekeeper & gardener living in Asheville, NC.

Nicholene is a healer of green ways, an artist / craftswoman, a seer, a mother, a guide. With deep humility and extraordinary gentleness, she offers her gifts with rare sensitivity and remarkable kindness. I felt held, attuned to, and cared for in our work together, while deeply benefiting from her vast skill set: Nicholene is a wise woman. - Rebecca, CA