Welcome to Weaving Ash & Rose Healing Traditions and my fiber work, Woolen Violet, based online and in Asheville, NC. My name is Nicholene (Nikki) and I am delighted to share a golden thread of my journey with you. 

I am a weaver of threads on the loom and in liminal spaces. The work I offer weaves together herbal support with Earth-based healing traditions to assist you on your path to health, harmony & transformation. I work with Maya abdominal massage, herbs, flower essences, reiki, cupping techniques, folk traditions, plant spirit medicine, moxa & animistic healing practices. 

In my fiber work, I strive to create beautiful and functional fiber goods; inspired by the flora & fauna of the Appalachian mountains and in deep reverence of Earth’s gifts. The threads are woven with remembrance, intention, song and prayer. 


I am trained as a clinical herbalist & flower essence practitioner with a RN (Registered Nurse) and BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree and have worked with mothers & babies for 10 years in hospital settings.  I have also worked with hospice care with my RN degree. I have been using herbs & flower essences through my home apothecary for over 20 years. My path has changed dramatically with the essence of plants in my life and Earth centered ways.

I was trained in the Arvigo Maya abdominal massage method by Dr. Rosita Arvigo over a decade ago.  I have also worked with Shelly Torgove, Clinical Herbalist, to integrate western herbal medicine with traditional healing practices and Maya abdominal massage - a feminine earth centered healing tradition.

I have also studied Reiki energy healing, folk medicine & herbalism, sacred bee medicine and animism. Honoring the green, alive natural world.

 Through my combined skills as a RN with western herbal & traditional Earth healing & spiritual practices, my goal is to weave a myriad of healing methods to aid others on their path to wholeness. 

Through a holistic approach, I can support you on a path of health and wellbeing. I am here to assist and encourage you along your path through finding the root causes of disharmony and disruption of flow and energy in the body and offering nourishing and transformative practices to restore balance and flow. Services offered include massage, cupping, moxibustion, plant spirit medicine, plant brushing/lympia, herbal medicine, flower essences, Reiki, energy healing and plant ceremony.

What a gift to work with Nicholene! She is grounded with grace. Her weaving of plants, threads and magic are like none I know. Her seeing is deep and her wisdom the sweetest balm. - Sophia, VT


  • Circle: Professional Training in Liminal Arts/Divining the Well-Nico Wolf 2022-2024

  • European womb Shamanism 2022-2023

  • Healing with the Divine Feminine Level 1-Golden Bough School/Karyn Crisis 2022

  • Women’s Shamanism & Seership-Gabriela Gutierrez 2021

  • Animistic & classical shamanic healing-Suzi Crockford 2020-2021

  • Women’s Beekeeping Apprenticeship 2020-Ariella Daly

  • Dreaming with the Bees/Betwixt and Between/Entwine: Courting the beloved 2019-2020-Ariella Daly

  • Awakening the Medicine Woman Mentorship/Traditional Healing Wisdom for. Feminine, earth centered Healing practice & spiritual life-Shelly Torgove 2020

  • Reiki training Level 3-2018

  • Arvigo techniques of Maya Abdominal massage -Rosita Arvigo 2006-2007

  • Flower Essence Practitioner-Kate Guilday & David Dalton 2003

  • Mountain Spirit School of Herbalism/Clinical Herbalist-Mimi Hernandez 2005

  • Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine-Corey Pine Shane 2004

  • Appalachia School of Holistic Healing-Ceara Foley 2003

  • The Science & Art of Herbalism-Rosemary Gladstar 2001

  • Auburn University-BSN Nursing 1999