Threads woven with intention…

Handmade cloth, woven on the loom, weaves the story of the ancestors with the threads of the past, present and future. Wool and cotton come together with the magical dance of warp & weft. Creations are infused with the essence of the Earth & Stars, Plant & Stone, Sun & Moon.

Weaving in the whisper of the wind, shimmering luminescence of the moon, song of the trees, dance of the flower and bee - I spend many quiet hours at the loom with the warp and weft overlooking a flowing river at the forest's edge, surrounded by my beloved gardens. As the fiber moves through my hands, each little thread and stitch is carefully woven with intention, prayer and song. I like to imagine I am working in bits and pieces of the land into my work. Deep connection and belonging. A story of the Earth.

There is a lot of joy and inspiration that comes at the loom. Hours of thought, dreams, retelling of old stories, poems and myths. Weaving it all in.

As my hands and feet are in the dance of warp and weft, my heart is also mending little threads on the inside. Setting intentions, hopes, letting go, reweaving the past and future.

I often sit at the wheel spinning a golden tale into being. Creating form out of formlessness with the circular, meditative rhythm. A woolen yarn to weave on the loom. Creating a new story with fiber and a sense of belonging with the land. Finding magic in the everyday.

I create wool & cotton woven cloths for the table, tea ceremony or altar, & shawls/blankets/shrouds -created with intention for your sacred space. Handmade cloth woven on the loom, cut and sewed to create individual pieces for your home. Stitching in little details with embroidered edges. Created with quiet time & reverence.

As the fiber goes through my hands, each little thread is carefully woven and stitched, as to weave in dreams & intentions.


“Wow! It is so beautiful and sacred. I am honored to use it in my spiritual and healing work.” - Lucy

“Beautiful Weaving made with lots of intention and care. It will be treasured!” - Emily

“So sweet and beautiful. I love that it was handwoven by Nicholene's hands and immersed in love and magic. What a treasure to behold.” - Nichole

“There are no words to describe how perfect the wrap is. As a shepherdess I know how much work went into creating this piece. At this point in my life I am unable to process and work with my wool so I truly admire and appreciate your art. The wrap has such wonderful positive energy and will be highly treasured.” - Christine

Wool and cotton, woven in a beautiful folk weaving design, are cut and hemmed by hand to finish creating a shawl or blanket to cover you in warmth, love and protection - perfect to wrap around your shoulders on a crisp evening under the light of the moon. 

Colors weave to create texture and beauty from traditional weaving designs inspired by the essence of nature and threads of the past. As I weave, I often imagine a tapestry of flowers intertwining with stars. Weaving together the healing energies of Earth and Sky.