My Healing Story…

I am excited to share a thread of my journey with you. I came to herbal medicine through the love of gardening and nature. The trees and plants have been an important element in my life since childhood. I remember singing around the trees and leaving little treats and trinkets for the fairy folk in trunk openings. I collected dandelion flowers for a special tea and crafted clover flower crowns in the summer. The forest called me for hours of play in creeks and along their tall branches reaching up to the stars & deep roots in the earth. I was surrounded by towering pines, expanding oaks, and colorful wildflowers. There emerged a special healing place. Nature would remain a place of serenity and connection for me.

My path into womanhood has been a long, spiraling journey. It began with heavy, clotted and painful menstrual cycles. This left me isolated, angry, sad and confused. I  became disassociated with my body and center of personal power & creation, the womb. I felt ashamed of my process and the pain that came with it. It greatly decreased my quality of life every month, with little help from modern medicine and medications.

In my early twenties after graduating from college with a BSN in nursing I began working with mothers and babies in the Neonatal ICU and postpartum mother/baby care. I was honored to work in such a delicate place with the circle of life and birth. Being surrounded by mothers and babies truly wove a golden thread through my heart.  During this time, I was seeking a gentler way of healing and earth connection. I had always had a deep love for the earth, remembering my sense of belonging in the forests as a child. I was also a gardener and loved to tend to plants and herbs. As I began working more with the earth and opening into my own being, I started to connect with plants on a spiritual and healing level. I felt the plants were drawing me into their world and I dived deep into books and herbal school education. I have been incorporating natural medicine into my life now for over 20 years and started learning about herbs, flower essences and traditional healing in Asheville, NC.

My shift into motherhood was not an easy one. After a planned water birth, my first child was born after 72 hours of labor and ending in a cesarean. My surgical wound had a prolonged healing time & I had a low milk supply to feed my baby. I felt disempowered as woman, a mom and a healer for womb health & herbal medicine. How could I assist others on their path to wholeness when I could not have a beautiful birth and properly nourish my child? I learned everything was not in our control, to surrender to my journey and path. Deep trust and opening to the mystery of the unknown. Two years later I had a successful VBAC and much gentler postpartum time. I was able to successfully breastfeed my baby, and I felt grounded and empowered as a mom and a woman. In the darkest & hardest times is where we find the brightest light. A light to heal the emotional & physical wounds from the inside out.

Years down the road on my journey, I remembered the wisdom passed down to me from many wonderful herbalist and women healers, and incorporated earth centered healing traditions back into my life. I see myself as a multi-dimensional weaver. Not only of fiber threads but with earth centered healing traditions, the spirit world and modern life. My goal is to bridge healing methods to aid others on their path to wholeness, like a golden thread weaving through your womb and heart space. My combined skills as a RN with western herbal & traditional earth healing & spiritual practices opens many doors for healing to take place. Menstrual care, womb health & balancing, preparation for pregnancy, postpartum care, digestive issues, hormonal changes, perimenopause & menopause. Every phase of a woman's journey is special and unique. Focusing on the sacred energy center of the womb, and all the vital force, life, and beauty this space brings. Remembering our roots, wisdom and the power and healing that lies here. Opening like a flower to the honeybee. A gentler way of being in our bodies on a mental, spiritual and physical level.